Friday, May 18, 2012

Ken's Day Four at Work

Ken had a great day at work.  He is enjoying working with the Spanish people.  Most on his team are very young University graduates in Computer Science and are very enthusiastic.  The office here in Spain is trying hard to get Ken's work visa through.  Personnel has requested a letter of explanation from one of his co-workers in the Spain office so Maria sent off a nice message.
Good morning Henry,
The person I mean is Ken Rees. He is an expert in one of the products developed by Telvent Canada. Was recently established in Seville a group of developers who are working on this product. Given the time difference (and language) the transfer of knowledge from Canada is not as smooth as desired. Ken's experience in both product development and the methods of work of the team Telvent Canada is important to us and he is happy to offer help here.

In his own words, his intention is "To mentor, train and build a highly skilled, cohesive and efficient OASySDNA SCA software development team."
I hope this information is sufficient.
Thank you very much, Maria

I had a nice day as well.  I am getting some rest and relaxation and planning activities for us to do once Ken is off work.   Ken didn't get home from work this evening until 6:30 pm so we grabbed a quick fast food supper - salad for me and Ken had a hamburger.  He reports not nearly as good as our Alberta Beef!

The tour bus picked us up at the fast food restaurant 2 blocks from our hotel at 8:15 pm.  It took us on a night tour of Seville that showed us many of the places we would like to return to and take photos.  We were dropped of at the Palacio Andalus for an evening show of Flamenco Dancers.

 The blog site said I could upload a video but it wouldn't work.  There was always an error message.  We bought a tape of the show and I took some videos so you can watch those when we get home.

The show was over by 11:30 so we got home by bus to our hotel shortly after midnight.  It was an awesome evening! Adios!


1 comment:

  1. oooh . . . flamenco dancing . . . how I wish I could have seen it . . . glad you bought a tape for us to see when you come home! :)
